Using DataTables plug-in for jQuery
This is Server-side processing(description) example for jQuery datatables with the difference that even the headers are returned from API Having functionalities such as :
All you have to do is put the Datatable.htm and dt-custom.js in your website, change the API and endpoint URL’s and handle required requests in API.
This request is setup functionalities needed. For eg. Is this simple data display with sort and filter? Or data can be inserted,updated or deleted?
This request is main request which will return data from API and handle global search, column search and pagination.
{"draw":1,"recordsTotal":34,"recordsFiltered":34,"data":[{"ID":1,"ORD_NUM":"200100","ORD_AMOUNT":"1000","ADVANCE_AMOUNT":"600","ORD_DATE":"8/1/2008 12:00:00 AM","CUST_CODE":"C00013","AGENT_CODE":"A003 ","ORD_DESCRIPTION":"TYU"},{"ID":2,"ORD_NUM":"200101","ORD_AMOUNT":"3212","ADVANCE_AMOUNT":"1000","ORD_DATE":"7/15/2008 12:00:00 AM","CUST_CODE":"C00001","AGENT_CODE":"A008 ","ORD_DESCRIPTION":"TYU"}]}
Applicable if ‘Editable’ properties of column/s is set to true. In that case, on click on the column data in rows, the column/s will change to textbox and user can edit and save(by pressing enter). All columns are sent to API in POST request (JSON Array of Object) and API can run update as needed.
Form Data : [{"ORD_NUM":"200103","ORD_AMOUNT":"15001","ADVANCE_AMOUNT":"700","ORD_DATE":"5/15/2008 12:00:00 AM","CUST_CODE":"C00021","AGENT_CODE":"A005","ORD_DESCRIPTION":"SODA","rowid":"4"}]
Applicable if ‘Insertable’ property of table is set to true. In that case, footer will have textboxes for all columns and user can insert and save(by clicking add). All columns are sent to API in POST request and API can insert the data.
Applicable if ‘Deletable’ property of table is set to true. In that case, a new delete column will be added to table and user can click for any row they want to delete. rowid is sent to API in POST request(JSON Array of Object) and API can delete the row/s.
Form Data : [{"rowid":"35"}]
Other than these, user will have the option to update all or delete all. For example, user searches the table for certain rows and want to edit them all at once, in that case, user will click the ‘Edit All’ button and all filtered rows will be changed to textboxes. Once user enters details as needed, they can click the save button right next to ‘Edit All’ and multiple UpdateRowData requests are called and handled by the API. In case, user wants to delete certain rows, they can click ‘Delete All’ button and multiple DeleteRowData requests will be created and handled by the API.
PHP API Example Dot Net Core API Example
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